There are several reasons why dogs pull when on a leash.
- We walk too slowly
- We pull them back
- They have learned that pulling works
- They are feeling anxious
- We are feeling anxious
- They are physically uncomfortable due to poor-fitting equipment
- We are obsessed with control

Most dogs prefer to trot along at a steady pace. Humans prefer to take their time. This can be frustrating for a dog who simply wants to get somewhere! Our natural response is to try to restrain them by pulling or jerking on the lead. This can make the dog even more determined to get somewhere, exacerbating the pulling. Some dogs (particularly large breeds) learn that they can out-pull us and that if they pull hard enough, they can get to their destination. This reinforces the pulling behaviour and increases the likelihood of it recurring.
Dogs may also pull when they are anxious. For dogs, the world can be a frightening place, full of loud noises and stimulation. Some dogs pull to get the walk over with as soon as possible. This can be exacerbated by previous negative experiences, such as a dog attack while on a leash. If we have had a similar bad experience, we may be unconsciously transmitting our own nerves down the leash to our dogs. Dogs are very sensitive to our emotions, and if we are nervous, they often become nervous as well.

Pain can also lead to pulling. Poor-fitting collars, harnesses, check chains, prong collars, etc., can make pulling worse as the dog will pull to try to escape the discomfort. We are prone to using force to control our dogs’ movements, and it can be difficult to remember that a walk is as much about our dogs’ enjoyment as it is about ours. Traditional dog obedience training has taught us that our dogs must walk by our side, or they will be dominant and take control. Dominance theory is unhelpful in many aspects of dog training, including loose leash walking.
How to stop dogs from pulling while on leash
It’s important to remember that dogs aren’t born knowing how to walk on a leash. The attachment of a dog to another being by a leash while exploring their environment is not natural! Loose leash walking, like other behaviours such as sit, drop, and stay, must be taught.
If you would like some tips on how to stop your dog from pulling while on leash, read our blog post here.